Al Khebra Driving School Manual

When you register with Al Khebra you will receive a 58 page manual which includes English and Arabic translations of the relevant rules of the road.

As a native english speaker I strongly advise against wasting your time trying to understand pages 8 - 14 of the current version of this book.  That section fails miserably at attempting to explain what each traffic sign means but succeeds in confusing even native english speakers with knowledge of the meaning of the signs.  You need to know those signs but I suggest you rely on our trusted friend, Google, to explain each sign, if you don't already know the meanings.

The most important section of that manual, for the purposes of the driving test, are page 25, if you don't know the significance of the various coloured lights on a traffic light and pages 26 - 29 are critical.  From the moment you receive the manual start memorizing the "names of the road signs"!! 

You must know what every sign is!  Everyday make sure you go over the signs at least once per day until you have taken the test.  To help you remember the signs pay attention to them when you are driving along the roads to and from your business.

The tutor I had, Isaac Mutashi, assisted his students in recalling by asking each student to identify a few of the road signs in each session of the theory class.  One cannot emphasize the importance of memorizing the signs.
When studying the signs on Page 26 you only need to learn the words in open and closed brackets.  Note that a few of the names of the signs on page 26 are not in brackets. I have highlighted the names  below for ease of reference.

Examples of the Names of Road Markings on Page 26:
1. Beware of passby road
2. Overtaking allowed
3. Pedestrians crossing
4. Parking
5. No Parking
6. No Overtaking
7. Stop Line
8. Give Way Line

I was strongly advised to memorise these EXACT names for each road sign and give them back to the examiners as is!  Remember, english is not everyone's native tongue and if you want to pass the test, the person administering this aspect of the test must understand what you are saying. So forget what you have always referred to these signs as and give the examiner what he wants.  Your aim is to pass the test.

The names of these signs are not in brackets so just study the words in english.  While you must know ALL the signs, you MUST pay particular attention to the following signs on page 29:
1. No entry for all vehicles
2. Stop - Customs
3. Speed Limit
4. National Speed Limits Apply
5. No Overtaking (Note that there are two no overtaking signs on page 26 as well)
6. Stop
7. No entry for trucks
8. No entry for trailers
(You must note that on the actual test, the picture which represents this sign resembles a truck.  Be careful not to confuse the two)
9. No parking (note that there is one no parking sign on page 26)
10. No parking or waiting (Do not confuse this sign with the no parking or stopping sign which has an "X")

1. Roundabout (you must know the difference between this roundabout and the one on page 13 at number 45, that roundabout is called a "compulsory roundabout" which means there is no slip road and you must go through the roundabout).
2. Children
3. Give way priority road ahead

1. Compulsory Roundabout (Page 13 - Item 45) [Never forget the word "compulsory"!
2.Direction to be followed (This is an arrow resembling Item 46 on Page 13 which points to the right)
3. Direction to follow (Page 14 - Item 51)
4. Hospital (Page 14 - Item 57)
5. Parking (Page 14 - Item 58)
6. Filling Station (Page 14 - Item 63)